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Tracking Form 5471 Section 959 PTEPs of the Modern Day CFC

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By Anthony Diosdi

Before enactment of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”), the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) Form 5471 was a reasonable exercise. Prior to the enactment of the TCJA, the IRS Form 5471 was approximately two pages long. This all changed with the enactment of the TCJA. The days of preparing two page long Form 5471s are long gone. The IRS Form 5471 along with its accompanying Schedule J, Schedule P, and Schedule E-1 have become incredibly difficult to prepare. This is the result of the complexity and incompleteness of the TCJA’s international tax provisions, along with congressional failure to remedy the gaps that TCJA created in the Internal Revenue Code. Thus, the Department of Treasury (“Treasury”) and the IRS are left to bridge the gaps in the Internal Revenue Code created by the TCJA and promulgate extraordinarily complicated regulations. This article provides an overview as to how to categorize income for purposes of Section 959 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The IRS’s Proposed Regulations Governing Section 959 Basketing and Ordering Rules for PTEP Distributions

Where the earnings and profits or (“E&P”) of a controlled foreign corporation (“CFC”) consists in whole or in part of previously tax earning and profits (“PTEP”), special rules under Section 959 apply in determining the ordering and taxation of distributions of such PTEP. Amounts included in the gross income of a U.S. shareholder as GILTI or subpart F income are not included in gross income again when such amounts are distributed to the shareholder, directly, indirectly, or through a chain or ownership. A PTEP distribution is generally allocated in the following order: 1) PTEP attributable to investments in U.S. property under Section 959(c)(1); 2) PTEP attributable to subpart F income under Section 959(c)(2); and (3) general current and accumulated E&P under Section 959(c)(3). For Section 959 purposes, a distribution is generally attributable to E&P according to the “last in first out” method (“LIFO”).

On November 28, 2018, the Department of Treasury and the IRS released proposed regulations related to the determination of the foreign tax credit (the Proposed Regulations). Under the Proposed Regulations, CFCs are required to establish an annual account for PTEP for each of the Section 904 baskets. Within each account, a CFC is required to assign a PTEP to one of ten different PTEP groups in each of the relevant Section 904 basket based on the U.S. shareholder’s underlying income inclusion, while also taking into account PTEP reclassifications as a result of a Section 956 inclusion.

Under the proposed regulations, PTEP taxes are as follows: 1) foreign taxes deemed paid by the CFC under Internal Revenue Code Section 960(a) for a current year income inclusion in a PTEP group; 2) the foreign income taxes paid or accrued by a CFC as a result of a Section 959(b) distribution that was allocated and apportioned to a PTEP group; and 3) for a reclassified PTEP group of foreign income taxes that were paid, accrued, or deemed paid for an amount that was initially included in a Section 959(c)(2) PTEP group which was reclassified as a Section 959(c)(1) PTEP group. PTEP group taxes are reduced by the amount of foreign taxes in that particular group paid by the U.S. shareholder under Section 960(b)(1) or by another CFC under Section 960(b)(2) that have been reclassified to a Section 959(c)(1) PTEP.

Under the proposed regulations, a CFC’s current year taxes are associated with a PTEP group for Section 960(b) purposes only if the receipt of Section 959(b) distribution causes an increase in a PTEP group. The increased PTEP group is treated as an income group to which current-year taxes are imposed solely by reason of the Section 959(b) distribution. Taxes that are allocated and apportioned to a PTEP group by reason of a CFC’s receipt of Section 959 distribution are allocated and apportioned to the PTEP group under Treasury Regulation Regulation 1.904-6 principles.

Section 960- Deemed Paid Credits on Distributions of PTEP

For any distributions of PTEP, the ordering rule determines the type of PTEP that is distributed. Such determination is particularly important for purposes of determining the creditability of any foreign taxes. Properly reporting and tracking PTEPs are also important to avoid double taxation of foreign income.

Prior to the enactment of the TCJA, former Internal Revenue Code Sections 902 and 960(a)(1) permitted a corporate U.S. CFC shareholder to claim a credit for foreign taxes paid by a CFC when the related income was either distributed to the shareholder as a dividend or included in the shareholder’s income as a subpart F inclusion. This would result in the amount of paid foreign taxes based on multi-year “pools” of E&P, with the shareholder generally deemed to have paid the same proportion of the CFC’s post-1986 foreign income taxes as the amount of the dividend or subpart F inclusion as it related to the CFC’s post-1986 undistributed earnings.

TCJA repealed Section 902 and modified Internal Revenue Code Sections 904 and 960. TCJA eliminated the multi-year pooling system and introduced a “properly attributable standard” for the purposes of crediting foreign taxes. Under Section 960(a) and (b), a corporate U.S. shareholder can claim a deemed paid credit for foreign income taxes that are properly attributable to current subpart F and GILTI inclusions. In addition, under Section 960(b), a CFC shareholder is deemed to have paid foreign income taxes that are properly attributable to distributions of PTEP received from a first-tier CFC or from a lower-tier CFC.

Treasury and the IRS determined that adherence to Treasury Regulation 1.904-6 created the need to track and account for several new groups of PTEP because Section 959(c)(2) PTEP (and related deemed paid foreign tax credits) may arise by reason of income inclusions under Sections 951(a)(1)(A), (any pro rata amount from which is taken into account in determining subpart F income) 245A(e)(2), (Section 245A(e) disallows a dividend-received deduction under Section 245A(a) for any hybrid dividend received by a U.S. shareholder of a CFC. Section 245A(e) treats a hybrid dividends between CFCs with a common U.S. shareholder as subpart F income) Section 951A(f)(1), (any pro rata amount from which is taken into account in determining the global intangible low-taxed income or (“GILTI”)) 959(E), (Section 959(E) coordinates with Section 1248. Section 1248 treats as dividend income to the extent of the relevant E&P accumulated in a CFC)  964(e)(4), (Section 964(e)(1), which existed prior to TCJA provides that if a CFC sells or exchanges stock in another foreign corporation, gain recognized on the sale or exchange is treated as a dividend. Section 964(e)(4) was introduced as part of TCJA. Under Section 964(e)(4), the “foreign source portion” of any amount characterized as a dividend under Section 964(e)(1) is treated as subpart F income) and 965(a), (transition tax inclusion) or by reason of the application of Section 965(b)(4)(A) (Reduction of E&P treated as previously taxed income when distributed). Also, because Section 959(c)(c)(2) PTEP may be reclassified as Section 959(c)(1) PTEP as a result of Sections 956 (Under Section 956(a), U.S. shareholders of a CFC are required to include in gross income their pro rata share of the average quarterly amount of U.S. property held both directly and indirectly by the CFC) and 959(a)(2), PTEP groups for Section 959(c)(1) PTEP must be maintained. Finally, PTEP subaccounts must be maintained for each Section 904 foreign tax credit category. See Curtail U.S. PTEP Reporting Complexity: Know Your P’s and Q’s, by Lewis J. Greenwald, Brainard L. Patton, and Brendan Sinnott, Volume 172, Number 5, August 2, 2021.

IRS Notice 2019-01

Notice 2019-01 announced Treasury and IRS’s intention to withdraw prior proposed regulations under Internal Revenue Code Section 959 and issue new proposed regulations under Internal Revenue Code Sections 959 and 961.The proposed regulations discussed in Notice 2019-01 included rules related to the maintenance of PTEPs in annual accounts, in specific groups, and the ordering of PTEPs when distributed or reclassified. Notice 2019-01 added an additional six PTEP groups to the ten PTEP groups described in the proposed regulations. Thus, within each basket, PTEP is allocated up to sixteen groups to be determined on an annual basis.

Notice 2019-01 describes regulations that the Treasury intended to propose that involve PTEP ordering upon distribution. Generally, and subject to a special priority rule for PTEP arising from Section 965(a) and (b), the notice applies a LIFO approach to the sourcing of distributions from annual PTEP accounts. Thus, subject to the special priority rule, Section 959(c)(1) PTEP in the most recent annual PTEP account is treated as distributed first, followed by the second most recent PTEP account, and continued through each annual PTEP account under Section 959(c)(1) until each account is exhausted. The same approach will then apply to Section 959(c)(2) PTEP. Finally, the remaining amount of any distributions are sourced from Section 959(c)(3), to the extent thereof.

The Final Section 960(b) Regulations

On December 17, 2019, the Treasury and the IRS issued final regulations under Internal Revenue Code Section 960(b) which finalized the proposed regulations. The final Section 960(b) regulations modified the proposed regulations. The PTEP groups have consolidated the 959(c)(2) PTEP groups into five. The five PTEP groups arise under Internal Revenue Code Sections 965(a), (transition tax inclusion) 965(b)(4)(A), (Reduction of E&P treated as previously taxed income when distributed) 951A(f)(2), (any pro rata amount from which is taken into account in determining the global intangible low-taxed income) 245A(d), (any amounts disallowed under Section 901 for which any tax for which a credit is not allowed) and 951(a)(1)(A) (any pro rata amount from which is taken into account in determining subpart F income). Section 959(c) requires U.S. shareholders to reclassify Section 959(c)(2) PTEP as Section 959(c)(1) PTEP whenever the CFC has a Section 956 investment in U.S. property that was included in the U.S. shareholder’s gross income under Section 951(a)(1)(A) or would have been included except for Section 959(a)(2). In that case, the Section 959(c)(2) PTEP group is reduced by the functional currency amount of the reclassified PTEP, which is added to the corresponding Section 959(c)(1) PTEP group described in the Section 904 category and same annual PTEP account as the reduced Section 959(c)(2) PTEP group.

The post TCJA Form 5471 serves the same purposes as its pre TCJA predecessor. However, the post TCJA version greatly expanded E&P tracking requirements. The post TCJA Form 5471 for Schedule J, Schedule P, and Schedule E-1 increased the 959(c)(2) PTEP categories to be disclosed on the schedule from one to five. It also expanded 959(c)(1) PTEP categories from one to five. In addition, in some cases, schedules from the Form 5471 requires untaxed E&P to be allocated into E&P subject to the Section 909 anti-splitter rules, E&P carried over from certain nonrecognition transitions, and hovering deficits under Section 959(c)(3).

The final regulations under the so-called anti-splitter rules of Section 909 were issued in 2015. The statute defers the ability of a taxpayer to claim a foreign tax credit until the related income associated with the foreign tax is included in income in the United States. The Section 909 anti-splitter regulations may also apply to: 1) reverse hybrid splitters; 2) loss sharing splitters; 3) hybrid instrument splitters; 4) partnership inter-branch splitters; and 5) foreign initiated adjusted splitters. See Tax Management International Journal, A New Splitter: Expanding the Foreign Tax Credit Splitter rules (BNA) (November 11, 2016) James Tobin. The purpose of the hovering deficit rules is to prevent trafficking in deficits in E&P. Absent this rule, a corporation with positive earnings and profits could acquire or be acquired by another corporation with a deficit in E&P and immediately reduce the amount of E&P, thereby reducing the amount of potentially taxable distributions.

In addition, the Treasury Regulations under Section 1.960-3 requires that CFC shareholders report PTEP attributions attributable to Section 965 inclusions, 965(b) deficit offsets, Section 956 investments in U.S. property, GILTI inclusions, subpart F inclusions, Section 245A hybrid dividends, and Section 1248 amounts. Within these categories, CFC shareholders must state whether or not the PTEP should be allocated to a Section 959(c)(2) or Section 959(c)(1) PTEP. CFC shareholders must separately track each PTEP according to its foreign tax credit category. In addition, CFC shareholders must track movements of PTEPs between Setions 959(c)(2) and Section 959(c)(1) categories.

The rules governing distributions from a CFC pose a significant challenge. If you are a shareholder of a CFC, you should consult with an international tax attorney or qualified tax professional to advise you of your compliance requirements and to provide you with valuable tax planning advice.

Anthony Diosdi is an international tax attorney at Diosdi & Liu, LLP. Anthony focuses his practice on domestic and international tax planning for multinational companies, closely held businesses, and individuals. Anthony has written numerous articles on international tax planning and frequently provides continuing educational programs to other tax professionals.

He has assisted companies with a number of international tax issues, including Subpart F, GILTI, and FDII planning, foreign tax credit planning, and tax-efficient cash repatriation strategies. Anthony also regularly advises foreign individuals on tax efficient mechanisms for doing business in the United States, investing in U.S. real estate, and pre-immigration planning. Anthony is a member of the California and Florida bars. He can be reached at 415-318-3990 or

This article is not legal or tax advice. If you are in need of legal or tax advice, you should immediately consult a licensed attorney.

Anthony Diosdi

Written By Anthony Diosdi


Anthony Diosdi focuses his practice on international inbound and outbound tax planning for high net worth individuals, multinational companies, and a number of Fortune 500 companies.

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